You joined the EVE team at the beginning of September. You've already settled in a bit and got to know a lot. Now tell us...
What did you do before you started at EVE and how did you find out about us?
After leaving school, I first trained as a retail sales assistant specializing in books in Münster and then worked in the book trade. A good friend knew that I wanted to make a career change and drew my attention to the job advertisement on the EVE website.
What do you actually do at EVE?
My main area of responsibility is to support the management. I also organize customer visits and company events. From January, my area of responsibility will expand and I will be responsible for the occupational safety of my colleagues as a safety officer.
How do you imagine your future tasks?
Exciting and, above all, varied.
Please describe yourself in 3 words!
Empathetic, communicative, team player
What do you like to do in your free time?
I spend a lot of time looking after a foster dog, which I like to take for walks in the Teutoburger Forest. I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend, my family and my friends. I also read a lot.
What motivates you?
The fact that new tasks await me every day and that no two days are the same.
How do you like it at EVE?
I really like it at EVE! The whole team gave me a great welcome and I really enjoy working with everyone!
Thank you Kristina! Welcome to the team!