Features of our online shop - Search
You can proceed to an overview of our product categories by the button "Our Product Range"
After choosing your desired product category you can narrow the search by selecting a subcategory. Afterwards, all products from the selected subcategory will be listed.
Now you can continue to further narrow your search results by using any number of additional filters.
On the left, all selected filters are displayed. You can remove any filter options by clicking on the „X“ next to the respective filter value.
Classic Search
By means of just a few variables and commands you will receive precisely the search result that you are looking for!
The following options will lead you straight to your goal:
Important: Commands such as AND, OR or TO must be uppercase!
Manufacturer's Designation or Item Number
Start your search by entering your desired search term (e.g. product name, manufacturer‘s designation or item number).
You may now narrow down your search result simply by choosing one of the indicated category options.
EAN codes for unique product identification.
The EAN codes are international article numbers. They are part of the wold-wide valid and distinct GS1 numbering system.
The EAN codes within our online shop are the original EAN codes from our manufacturers.
To quickly find your products, you can now also search for EAN codes.
Start your search by entering a EAN code.
Your desired product will then be shown in the product overview.
From the product overview you may then proceed to your product. There you will find detailed information and technical data and benefit from detailed drawings, pictures and significant datasheets.
Your EAN code could not be found? Just contact us!
Let our online shop convince you!
To aid you reaching your goals, we prepared a guideline for you.
Get started now!