Electro contact cleaner spray

WEICON Electro Contact Cleaner Spray

400 ml

is used for fast and efficient cleaning and degreasing of soiled or corroded contacts

this special formulation with high-purity solvents removes oxide or sulphide layers, combustion residues as well as resinous or sooty soiling from electro-technical or mechanical parts

reduces voltage losses and increases the electric conductivity

contamination that can cause tracking current is removed

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Please note our minimum order value of € 200,00.
not availiable WER400 - Abbildung WEICON Elektro-Reiniger

WEICON electro contact cleaner spray 400 ml 

  • PU: 12 piece(s)
  • MOQ: 12 piece(s) and full PUs only
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0 piece(s)
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